Speaker: Fr. Dexter Prudenciano

Joint activities with Linkages, CES, and SHEC “Forming the Formators through Immersion” 

Date: November 7,2023

Partner Institution: St. Hannibal Empowerment Center Inc. (SHEC)

Study Tour of Naniwa High School, Japan

Date: November 5-18, 2023

Partner Institution: Naniwa High School, Japan

Meeting with Maynilad Water Academy 

Date: October 17,2023

Partner Institution: Maynilad Water Academy

We have conducted a meeting for possible collaboration with Maynilad Water Services Inc., a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, through its educational arm, MAYNILAD WATER ACADEMY (MWA). Schedule of MOU Signing is on April 17, 2024 at School director office.

Five (5) Mutual Interest:

  1. Career development,
  2. Community outreach, 
  3. Curriculum enhancement, 
  4. Research and development, and 
  5. Environment protection and safety