University of Perpetual Help System DALTA (UPHSD) gives paramount importance to the health and safety of its students. The University health and safety policy serves as the cradle of UPHSD teaching and learning process. The UPHSD Safety Student Policy Manual is aligned with the DALTA Group of Companies Safety and Health Policy Statement and the Las Piñas City School Safety and Health Program. The manual serves ensures safety and health for all at all times.

The University Student Health and Safety Policy (USHSP) is an adjunct to the UPHSD School Occupational Safety and Health Program. Through different safety and health programs, the University prioritizes a safe and healthy work environment for all students, employees and its stakeholders. UPHSD encourages and actively promotes the following student rights:

  • Confidentiality of information
  • Non-discrimination including non-termination
  • Work accommodation following a course of illness
  • Assistance to compensation

USHSP has the following objectives:

  • To comply with the statutory and regulatory requirements of government agencies;
  • To implement safety and health programs in the campus;
  • To engage employees in achieving a 100% safe and healthy workplace;
  • To conduct regular monthly inspection and safety audits;
  • To manage the intellectual property of the Safety and Health Department;
  • To participate and support the community extension services of the institution; and
  • To conduct one research output yearly regarding safety and health.

USHSP Management System

The Safety and Health Management System prevents any hazard that may result in personal injury, property damage, fire, security losses, and even loss of life. It aims to develop and implement health and safety programs, safety education, and training for all employees and students.

UPHSD Las Piñas Campus has established, documented, and continually improves the effectiveness of the USHSP Management System. The following documents, in part or whole, are normative references in the preparation of USHSP Management System. They are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited shall apply, namely:

  • ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System
  • ISO 21001: 2018 Educational Organizational Management System
  • DOLE-OSHS Department of Labor and Employment – Occupational Health Standard
  • RA No. 10121 of 2010 Philippine Disaster Reduction Management Act
  • PACUCOA Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation
  • Fire Code of the Philippines