Tuition Fee Loan
Features of the Tuition loan are as follows:
- Loan Amount: based on the total amount payable upon enrollment as certified by the UPHS assessor /accountant, but not to exceed 25%CRL
- Term: College – min of 6 mos. and max. of 8 months per semester Grade School / High School – max. of 9 months per school year.
- Interest: 1% per month (add-on rate)
- Principal: Payable monthly via post-dated checks or debit from Account maintained with any USBI branch.
Eligibility as Borrower:
a. Any working student , relative or guardian of the student b. Must be gainfully employed with regular income stream
b. With no adverse NFIS findings
c. Co-maker is required d. must have a Credit Ratio Limit of 25%, at least
Requirements Upon Filing of Loan Application:
- Duly accomplished and signed loan application form (bank form)
- Assessment sheet from UPHS Assessor or Accounting Office
- Two (2) government issued IDs of borrower and co-maker
- Copy of Company ID with three (3) specimen signatures
- Certificate of Employment with Salary Disclosure of borrower and co-maker
- Copy of latest three (3) months- payslip, or proof income of borrower and co-maker
- Copy of ITR of borrower and co-maker
- Recent 2×2 picture, signed at the back of student, borrower and co-maker
- Proof of billing of borrower and co-maker
- Sketch of Residence
- Co-maker of equal financial capacity or better