To support the growth of its flight programs, the University of Perpetual Help Las Piñas Campus has recently integrated a new flight simulation into its curriculum.
Perpetual has now a Redbird MCX simulator – a flight machine that provides an enhanced training to a student pilot to become professional crew. This is an addition to Perpetual School of Aviation’s first rate equipment and facilities such as Sheet Metal Laboratory, Hydraulic Landing Gear System Trainer, Ice and Rain Protection Trainer, Cabin Atmosphere Control and Pressurization System, Dual-Turbine Electrical System, and Engine Run-Up Stand, and FLY-IT Flight Simulator Trainer.
The RedBird MCX has dual control that allows an instructor, instructor-in-training, or co-pilot to perform maneuvers from the right seat. According to the official website of RedBird, the MCX provides a platform where crew training can be perfected for an advanced training. It has an impressive features found on other Redbird full-motion simulators. It also has a dual, control-loading yoke system and dual rudder pedals for simultaneous pilot and co-pilot control.

The RedBird MCX also has 3-axis, electric motion platform which provides effective motion feedback for yaw, pitch, and roll. It comes with immersive visuals to show students the highway they’ll pass over on their long cross-country. “With a world-wide terrain database to support the 200° visuals, the MCX lets your customers experience the view from the cockpit before they ever leave the ground.”