About the University


Inspired by Dr. Jose G. Tamayo and his wife, Dr. Josefina Laperal Tamayo’s commitment and belief in the betterment of life through national development and transformation, Dr./BGen. Antonio Laperal Tamayo and Dr. Daisy Moran Tamayo founded the Perpetual Help College of Rizal (PHCR) on February 5, 1975.

The four-story school building was established along Alabang-Zapote Road, Las Piñas City and it catered to 185 students in the first two academic programs offered by the College – the Bachelor of Science in Nursing and the Secondary Course. The school expanded its reach when it established two (2) branches in 1995 and in 1996, the Molino and Calamba campuses respectively. The Molino Campus started its operations with an initial enrolment of 700 students while the Calamba Campus opened with 367 enrollees. From these small beginnings, the school began to expand in terms of curricular programs, faculty, research, community service, infrastructure, and professional development. Finally in 1997, PHCR recorded a milestone when it received its university status from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).

On May 18, 2017, CHED through the Chairman, Dr. Patricia Licuanan conferred upon the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA Las Piñas Campus the Autonomous Status. This recognition was received by UPHSD President Anthony Moran Tamayo during the awarding ceremony for higher education institutions and quality assurance partners in celebration of the 23rd founding anniversary of CHED.

Today, UPHSD is continuing its efforts to achieve its objective of maintaining and sustaining excellence in education. It has instituted an extensive network of national and international linkages in higher education and business.

The University of Perpetual Help System DALTA continuously subscribes to the institutional philosophy that national development and transformation is predicated upon the quality of education of its people. It is committed to the ideals of teaching, community service and research, with “Character Building is Nation Building” as its guiding principle.



The University of Perpetual Help System DALTA believes and invokes Divine Guidance in the betterment of the quality of life through national development and transformation, which are predicated upon the quality of education of its people. Towards this end, the Institution is committed to the ideals of teaching, community service and research as it nurtures the value of “Helpers of God”, with “Character Building is Nation Building” as its guiding principle.Z


The University of Perpetual Help System DALTA shall emerge as a premier university in the Philippines. It shall provide a venue for the pursuit of excellence in academics, technology and research through local and international linkages.

The University shall take the role of a catalyst for human development. It shall inculcate Christian values and Catholic doctrine, as a way of strengthening the moral fiber of the Filipino, a people who are “Helpers of God”, proud of their race and prepared for the exemplary global participation in the sciences, arts, humanities, sports and business.

It foresees the Filipino people enjoying a quality of life in abundance, living in peace and building a nation that the next generation will nourish, cherish and value.


The UNIVERSITY OF PERPETUAL HELP SYSTEM DALTA is dedicated to the development of the Filipino as a leader. It aims to graduate dynamic students who are physically, intellectually, socially and spiritually committed to the achievement of the highest quality of life.

As a system of Service in health and in education, it is dedicated to the formation of Christ-centered, service-oriented and research-driven individuals with great social concern and commitment to the delivery of quality education and health care.

It shall produce Perpetualites as “Helpers of God” – a vital ingredient to nation building.

The School Seal


 The school’s official name is University of Perpetual Help System DALTA (UPHSD).

The seal was inspired by the special devotion of Dr. Josefina L. Tamayo, UPH co-founder and Tamayo grand matriarch, to the Blessed mother especially to the image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, the school’s patroness. This well-known icon from the Byzantine era depicts the figure of Mary offering love and comfort to her son Jesus, even as the angelic beings above bear the instruments of His coming suffering and passion. Mary looks straight at the viewer, as if she wants to say that her perpetual help and comfort are also available to anyone who comes to her in need. The infant Jesus is symbolic of the youth who is nurtured by a devoted and loving Mary which speaks of the motherly care and love of the University.

The two laurel leaves represent the two sons of the CEO and Chairman of the Board who are actively continuing the work that their parents have started in the community. The leaves also signify excellence which the university pursues not only in academics but also in leadership and in human relations for the fulfillment of the aspirations of the university as it carries on propagating its mission – to mold and educate youth as Helpers of God.

The cameo is bordered by oval lines of maroon in white background. Maroon symbolizes the red blood of courage, vigor, and determination; white for purity; and the blue and gold colors of the Mother of Perpetual Help icon which symbolize generosity, abundance, hope, and vision.

The year 1975 indicates when the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA was established while the tagline “Character Building is Nation Building”- UPHSD’s institutional motto expresses the encompassing commitment of Perpetual Help education to national development and progress.

The Perpetual Hymn


Perpetual Help thy fount of truth
Where knowledge emanates;
Where we have learned life will bear fruit
For us success awaits;

Thy children here we sing for thee;
We raise our voices clear;
We shout and cheer in unity
For Alma Mater dear.

Training the mind and the heart and the hand,
Ready to serve as best as we can;
Perpetual Help by thy banner we stand,
Loyal and true spread thy fame o’er the land.



Dr./BGen. Antonio L. Tamayo
Dr./BGen. Antonio L. TamayoAFP, FPCHA Chairman and CEO Founder
Daisy M. Tamayo
Daisy M. TamayoRN, MAN, Ph. D Vice Chairman and Treasurer Co-Founder
Anthony Jose M. Tamayo
Anthony Jose M. TamayoCPA, MBA, Ed.M, FBE President
LTC Richard Antonio M. Tamayo
LTC Richard Antonio M. TamayoPAFR (SOC), REB, MBA-H Secretary
Antonio Romulo G. Tamayo
Antonio Romulo G. TamayoMember
Rachel Antonette G. Tamayo
Rachel Antonette G. TamayoMember
Josefina Virginia G. Tamayo
Josefina Virginia G. TamayoMember


Dr. Arnaldo S. De Guzman
Dr. Arnaldo S. De GuzmanLas Piñas Campus
Dr. Reno R. Rayel
Dr. Reno R. RayelMolino Campus
Dr. Ernesto F. RamirezOIC-School Director Calamba Campus

UPHSD Strategic Plan for SY 2020-2025

Aware of the fluid environment where the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA – Las Piñas operates and survives, the leadership of the University has already devised a strategic plan to attain the goals and objectives it has co-established with its key stakeholders. The aim is to deliver quality services according to the needs and demands of the members of its education community. The experience of COVID 19 disruption has brought new directions and perspectives leading to the re-evaluation of the existing strategic plan.


Overwhelmed by what is defined as the mother of all disruptions, COVID 19 made the university rediscover its resilient and enterprising spirit to continue delivering its essential services and pursue its important and vital mission. COVID 19 re-evaluation of strategic planning has been all about people and survival. COVID 19 brought UPHSD to planning and responding in a caring, compassionate and prudent manner. Its challenges re-launched UPHSD as a community of helpers of God with character building is nation building as guiding principle.


Strategic Mission


In line with its Founder’s direction of:  Excellence in Values Formation, Academics, Sports, Community Services and Operations, the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA – Las Piñas Campus will be recognized as a vibrant global university exemplifying academic excellence and innovation fostering positive Perpetualite environment through effective and efficient leadership and management.  



Strategic Directions

Academic Excellence and Innovation

Sustained by its core values, UPHSD intends to produce graduates that will be characterized by the core skills needed in the 21st Century. Essential to academic excellence and innovation is the formation of Christ-centered, service-oriented and research-driven individuals with great social concern and commitment to the delivery of quality education and health care.


Nurturing Perpetualites and Positive Work Environment

Renewing the UPHSD community, after the pandemic, entails attention to the well-being and holistic formation of the members of the Perpetualite Community – resilient, compassionate and bearers of hope. Teaching and learning process should magnify the ideals of Helpers of God with character building is nation building as guiding principle.


Agile Leaderships and Management

Perpetualites co-creates values and embraces change in an agile and humble way. Decisiveness and resilience characterize UPHSD education community before the challenges and issues of a brittle, anxious, non-linear and sometimes incomprehensible environment.


Effective use of Resources and Financial Performance

Proper use of resources in support of quality teaching and learning process, this is UPHSD’s priority for these five years. An effective faculty and staff development program prepares and equips the Perpetualite teaching and learning community in delivering excellent quality service.


Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance (QA) embraces all the activities of UPHSD – from teaching and learning process to research, from scholarship and personnel, from students, to school infrastructure, community services, and the school environment. A QA-driven UPHSD co-produces values with stakeholders to guarantee, improve, and sustain its operations. It produces quality graduates integrated to life and the world of work.


Risk Management


UPHSD reviews and manages risks in a positive and enterprising way. Collective effort and persistence transform risk into opportunities for growth and sustainable development. Aided and supported by the University leadership, UPHSD risk assessment management critically looks into its internal and external environment to find directions in handling issues, solving problems, closing gaps, honing benchmarkable activities and even making innovation for change and development.